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After School Art Classes (Registration Begins August 5th, 2024)

If your child loves art then they will LOVE these after school art classes! Each art class is 75 minutes long. This allows time for students to look at and discuss artworks and also time to work to develop their masterpiece. During classes students will also make connections to other educational content in the areas of history, world geography, math, literacy and natural sciences. Cultural celebrations and traditions, symbolism, and identity are just a few of the many enduring ideas that can be threaded through the various art projects in these classes. All materials/ supplies are included in the fee. 

Session 1: Mondays


                    Dates: August 26th - November 25th (10 Classes)

                                No Class on Sept. 2nd & 16th, Oct. 14th, and Nov. 11th (No school on these dates)

                         Grade Levels: 1st -3rd

                         Time: 3:20 p.m. to 4:35 p.m.



Session 2: Thursdays



                     Dates: August 29th - November 21st (11 Classes)


                                  No Class on Oct. 10th (Preparing Art to Remember Artwork) & 24th (Mrs.Davis out of town)


                          Grade Levels: 3rd - 6th

                          Time: 3:20 p.m. to 4:35 p.m.




Session 3: Weaving Club - Mondays & Thursdays

                     Dates: December 2nd - 19th (6 Classes)

                          Grade Levels: 3rd - 7th

                          Time: 3:20 p.m. to 4:20 p.m.






           Session 4: Tuesdays


                     Dates: August 27th - November 19th (11 Classes)


                                  No Class on Oct. 8th (Preparing Art to Remember Artwork) & Nov. 5th (Staff Dev. Day/Voting)         


                          Grade Levels: 3rd - 6th

                          Time: 3:20 p.m. to 4:35 p.m.

Fall 2024 Class Art Session Offerings 

Description: Students will be working on a variety of projects that will include chalk pastels, ink & watercolor, radial design foam printmaking, and oil pastels pumpkins. We will also try to squeeze in Japanese suminigashi paper marbling and a clay project.

Description: Students will be working on a variety of projects  using a wide assortment of art materials to include crayon resist paintings, watercolor paints, chalk pastels, oil pastels, cut paper, and tempera paint. We will try to squeeze in a clay project as well!

Class is FULL

Class is FULL

Description: Students will learn & review basic weaving technique before learning 2 new weaving patterns to create a woven pouch made using a cardboard loom and yarn. This class meets twice a week on Mondays and Thursday for 3 consecutive weeks. Students will be able to take their loom home on the weekends to continue working on their pouch. They wll also learn how to make their own loom using sturdy cardbaord. This is sure to keep them busy during the winter break!


5 Seats Remaining

Session Added!

Class is FULL


Description: Students will be working on a variety of projects that will include chalk pastels, ink & watercolor, radial design foam printmaking, and oil pastels pumpkins. We will also try to squeeze in Japanese suminigashi paper marbling and a clay project.

For pricing and to register for an after school art classes/club please email Mrs. Davis at Please include the session name, your child's first & last name, age, grade level, parent name, cell phone number and preferred payment method. Check, Zelle, Venmo accepted. Please do not send payment until your child's seat has been confirmed in the desired class session. Art classes missed by a student will not be refunded. The fee covers ALL materials including clay and glazes.


Please make sure to go over the behavior expectations with your student on the registration information page I send you when you register your student. Art is a CALM type of fun. If a student cannot control their behaviors they may be asked to withdraw from the program without a refund.

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